Taiwan Fellowship – výzkumné stáže na Tchaj-wanu
Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí Čínské republiky nabízí stipendia k výzkumným pobytům na univerzitách a výzkumných institucích na Tchaj-wanu.
Stipendia jsou určena pro doktorandy, postdoktorandy, odborné asistenty a akademické pracovníky ze společenskovědných a humanitních oborů, zaměřených na studium Tchaj-wanu, vztahů mezi Tchaj-wanem a pevninskou Čínou, asijsko-pacifického regionu a sinologie.
Žádosti se podávají do 30. června.
Bližší informace ke stipendiu naleznete v přehledu DZS a na stránkách programu.
Aalto University Summer school
Design a Meaningful Career
New open online course by Aalto University
The open online course Design a Meaningful Career has launched as the third part of the Future of Work course module.
We all want to feel that our work has a positive impact and meaning.
Design a Meaningful Career is a course for anyone who wants to take their career path to the next level and explore new and innovative ways of shaping their own work.
The course emphasises creative and non-conventional ways to design a meaningful career in today’s radically changing world of work.
The course is divided into five chapters, accessible in both text and audio and free for everyone. Come learn with us and register for the course!
Osoitelähde: Aalto-yliopiston Alumni- ja kumppanuusrekisteri (CRM)
Aalto-yliopiston tietosuojailmoitus: https://www.aalto.fi/fi/aalto-yliopisto/kumppanuuspalveluiden-tietosuojailmoitus
Register: Aalto University Alumni and partnership data management – CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Privacy notice at Aalto University: https://www.aalto.fi/en/aalto-university/aalto-university-privacy-notice-for-partnership-services
University of Maribor Summer Schools 2022
Online courses at MBU - winter semester 2022/2023
Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica is delighted to present the offer of online courses for the winter semester 2022/2023.
Online courses at MBU - winter semester 2022/2023:
- Introduction to digital currencies
- Strategic marketing
- Macroeconomics – CEE perspective
- Business Graphics
- Global encounters in local settings
- Slovak language A1
- Italian language A1 (italian lector)
- Fundamentals of climatology and hydrology
- Myths and Hoaxes in natural sciences
- Environmental health
Price of each course: 20 EUR (administration fee)
Students can apply via an online application form. Applications will be accepted until September 15, 2022.
We would kindly like to ask you to forward this information and our offer to your students.
Should you or your students have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to assist.
Vyhlášení výběrového řízení na jednosemestrální studijní pobyt na National Taipei University of Business (Tchaj-wan) v LS 2022
Kdo se může přihlásit?
Studenti navazujícího magisterského studia, obor Podniková Ekonomika, specializace Marketing a mezinárodní obchod a Management podnikových procesů a studenti oboru International Management.
Uzávěrka přihlášek je 8. 10. 2022!
Vybráni budou max. 2 uchazeči na základě studijních výsledků, testu z anglického jazyka a motivačního dopisu v angličtině. Přihlašování probíhá přes fakultní portál https://easy.tul.cz/.
Porobnější informace zde:
V případě dotazů se obracejte na fakultní koordinátorku:
Digital Week Université Côte d'Azur, France
The Université Côte d'Azur is organizing for the first time, an international week the "Digital Week" open to all our international and local partners from June 27 to July 1, 2022.
During this week, you will be able to participate in conferences and workshops on digital soft skills, digital education, virtual mobility, digital tourism, creative and cultural industries led by established international entrepreneurs, practitioners and academics. We will discuss digital innovation and the digital impact on emerging and modern fields.
You could also organize meeting and visits to Université Côte d’Azur colleagues' from the orientation and teaching department.
If you are interested, you can prepare your Erasmus mobility project and also register for this event through this link: https://univ-cotedazur.eu/events/digital-week
If you need information else, do not hesitate to contact us following this address :
Cotact person:
Gestionnaire OUTGOING aux Relations Internationales
04 89 15 20 13
Bureau / Office 254
Université Côte d’Azur
Ecole Universitaire de Recherche d’Economie et Management – EUR ELMI
Graduate School of Economics and Management – EUR ELMI