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Portál Ekonomické fakulty TUL pro zájemce o Erasmus+ a zahraniční mobility

Incoming staff

We are happy to welcome lecturers, researchers and administrative staff from our partner institutions at the Faculty of Economics.

If you are interested in the realization of training mobility at FE TUL, please contact Ms Jana Vlach: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. or Ms Petra Stolín Froese: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. from FOREIGN RELATIONS OFFICE.

If you are interested in realization of teaching mobility at FE TUL, you may find specializations of our academics below:

Please choose your area of interest based on your professional specialization, and contact the teacher directly by email. Once you agree on the topic of your teaching mobility and the dates, ask your Erasmus coordinator for confirmation of your Teaching Agreement and send it to Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript., Erasmus+ coordinator of the FE TUL for final confirmation.

Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Liberec participates in Erasmus Programme also with the exchange promotion, cooperation and mobility among the educational and training systems of the European member states. 

This means that the Faculty of Economics offers the teaching and researching staff the possibility to visit our faculty via Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching or Training. Teaching and training mobilities promote networking and benchmarking on pedagogical methods and encourages universities to offer a wider range of courses.

By involving internationally renowned experts in our teaching and research, we are aim to maintain our status as one of the world’s top universities, constantly improving our quality by sharing knowledge and experience with the very best.

TUL RANKING – Technical University of Liberec participated in the evaluation of world universities and succeeded very well in several rankings.

TUL Erasmus+ Staff Weeks

Main objectives of international staff weeks at TUL:

  • to exchange best practices of international activities among colleagues working in internationalization,
  • to investigate requirements and elements of emergency action plans,
  • to discuss mobility management methods with focus on application procedures and the respective digital instruments and
  • to identify successful marketing strategies to increase student and staff mobility activities in general.