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Portál Ekonomické fakulty TUL pro zájemce o Erasmus+ a zahraniční mobility


International Days at the OTH Regensburg

We are delighted to extend an invitation to you for the upcoming "International Days", scheduled for May 15th-17th at the OTH Regensburg, situated in the historically rich city of Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany. This event is not just an occasion to meet in person; it’s an opportunity for us to strengthen our institutional relationships through teaching, research, and administrative exchanges.

"International Days" are designed to foster a deeper connection between OTH Regensburg university partners worldwide and their faculty and staff. The aim is to create an enriching environment for everyone involved, highlighting the diverse opportunities for collaboration and cultural exchange.

Event highlights include:

  • Cultural Experiences: Enjoy guided tours of Regensburg’s UNESCO world-heritage cityscape, immersing yourself in its Roman history, or visits to prominent companies showcasing the region’s industrial prowess (preliminary). A special addition this year is a visit to the Regensburg ‘Maidult’, a traditional Bavarian beer festival that promises a unique and memorable experience, allowing you to savor the local culture and hospitality.

  • Campus Engagement: Explore our campus with tours of selected labs and facilities, offering a glimpse into our academic environment and cutting-edge research.

  • Networking Opportunities: Engage with colleagues from around the globe, sharing insights and exploring potential collaborations in both academic and administrative spheres.

  • Study Abroad Fair: Although part of our event, we aim to present it in a manner that complements the broader objectives of the International Days. Participants are invited to promote their home institutions through booths and brief presentations, enriching our students’ perspectives on global education opportunities.

Previous participants were thoroughly impressed with their experience, often highlighting the warmth of our hospitality and the depth of engagement they encountered.

Please note:

  • Travel and accommodation costs are to be covered by the participants.
  • All activities related to the International Days, excluding personal expenses, will be hosted by the OTH Regensburg.

To confirm your participation, kindly fill out this form by March 15th, 2024:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Janina Scheidl (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.) from OTH Regensburg's international office or to Prof. Dr. Georgios Raptis or Prof. Dr. Markus Westner or Ms. Nele Hansen (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.) from the School of Computer Science and Mathematics.


Summer in Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Greetings from Riga, Latvia! We are happy to inform you that upcoming SUMMER 2024 is full of wonders. This year we are offering inspiring summer schools in ICT, Languages and Leadership. The Riga Technical University (RTU) Summer is a fantastic combination of knowledge, practical skills, cultural experinece and, of course, new friends and connections for life.

In the Summer of 2024 we are planning to offer five summer schools:

  • Nanophotonics: Close-up for the Future

  • Swarm Master: Drone Fleet Commander Bootcamp

  • The NEXT | The Young Global Leaders Camp

  • Intensive English and Cross-Cultural Communication

  • Time Capsule of Latvian Footprints


You can find more detailed information (including dates, pricing, etc.) on the web page:*

International conference "Beyond Vision: Sustainable Futures in Action Innovate to Sustain (SFAIS 2024)"

The upcoming international conference entitled "Beyond Vision: Sustainable Futures in Action Innovate to Sustain (SFAIS 2024)" will be held in a hybrid format by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Cag University on September 26-27, 2024.

SFAIS 2024 is an international conference that gathers scholars, researchers, practitioners, and experts from around the world to exchange ideas, present their latest research findings, and discuss current trends and challenges in the field of sustainability. Co-organizers, including UNITAR, VWEC, TU Dublin, TU Sofia, TU
Cluj-Napoca Romania and TEMSA bring together a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and resources, making this conference a collaborative endeavor aimed at fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration.

A detailed information packet (Brochure - Click for website) that outlines the conference theme, topics, submission guidelines, and other relevant details is included bellow.

BIP - International Staff Week - UNIVERSITY INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEMS at University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal

We are very pleased to invite you to enjoy a fruitful week through the International Week event and portuguese local cultures organized by the  University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal!

For the International Staff Week all staff interested in UNIVERSITY INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEMS are very welcome to come in order to share ideas and work collaboratively in a vision and strategy for our universities in these domains.

The International Staff Week is aligned with the BIP - Blended Intensive programme TURNING IDEAS INTO BUSINESSES and both will occur in Guimarães (Portugal) between June 24-28, 2024. The BIP is a b-learning activity to begin online in April 15 with weekly synchronous and asynchronous sessions before the on-site activities in June 24-28. 

Within this programme you have the possibility to apply for teaching and/or training mobility (24-28 June 2024).

Application form for Staff Training and/or Teaching


More information:

People interested or working in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship will find both the BIP and the Staff International Week relevant and interesting.

Furthermore, we will open a call for students who wish to participate in this BIP with academic recognition of 5 Credits/5 ECTS. We will send an email specifically for the BIP – application for students.


For any question, please contact:

Paulo Afonso

ERASMUS Coordination | Department of Production and Systems

School of Engineering, University of Minho (Portugal)

Paulo Afonso (Academic Coordinator)  |  Carla Rocha (Secretariat)  |  Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.  | 253 510 343

Nabídka stipendijních a grantových programů Česko-bavorské vysokoškolské agentury pro studenty, pedagogy, vědecké pracovníky


Rádi bychom vás informovali o letošních stipendijních a grantových programech Česko-bavorské vysokoškolské agentury pro studenty, pedagogy, vědecké pracovníky..

Stipendijní programy na rok 2024:

- stipendia na kurzy němčiny a odborné letní školy v Bavorsku,

- stipendia na kurzy češtiny a odborné letní školy v ČR,
- stipendia na studijní a výzkumné pobyty v ČR,
- stipendia na stáže v ČR.
Více informací viz v rubrice "Stipendia".

Grantové programy na rok 2024:

- "Bilaterale Sommer-/Winterschulen 2024" - program podpory pro společné letní/zimní školy s účastí studentů z obou zemí (žádost podává bavorská VŠ)  

- "Bayerisch-tschechische akademische Projekte 2024" - program podpory česko-bavorských akademických projektů, jako jsou např. konference, workshopy, krátkodobé výzkumné projekty nebo příprava větších mezinárodních projektů (žádost podává bavorská VŠ)  

- "Mobilitätsbeihilfen Tschechien 2024" - příspěvky na studijní, přednáškové a vědecké pobyty v Bavorsku, resp. v České republice (žádost podává bavorská VŠ)  

Více informací na v rubrice "Granty".  

I v tomto roce vám budeme rádi k dispozici a těšíme se na další spolupráci!  

S přátelským pozdravem  
- mit freundlichen Grüßen

Radka Bonacková
projektová manažerka
Česko-bavorská vysokoškolská agentura  
Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur
Stephanie Zechmair
Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur
Universitätsstr. 31
93053 Regensburg
Tel.: +49  941 943-5315
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Výzva pro zájemce o kombinovanou mobilitu (BIP) na univerzitě v Setúbalu v Portugalsku - FINBANK Challenge

Setubal Polytechnic Unviersity v Portugalsku nabízí studentům Ekonomické fakulty možnost účastnit se kombinované mobility (BIP) FINBANK Challenge.

Termín konání:  22. - 24. dubna 2024 (online část)

                             6. - 10. 5. 2024 (fyzická část)

Deadline přihlášek: 29.2.2024

V případě zájmu kontaktujte fakultní koordinátorku Bc. Martinu Chvojkovou: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.